Life is full of pain that can be measured on a scale from 1-10. A Christian is measured by the way they live compared to Jesus. Join me in my battle of wits against Fibromyalgia and keeping the right heart to stay in the fight.

Friday, July 2, 2010


I'm a geek.
I said it.
I'm not sure when it happened...having a mullet as a kid didn't help, I suppose. But I always felt....well, different from everyone. Kind of like I was looking through a window at life going on around me. Some one said that I was just one of those square pegs.
I love to read and study the bible. I love asking questions about scriptures and I have found some people don't like that very much. I decided to stop being around the ones that refuse to answer questions....
I thought at first some people just didn't want to tell they wanted a corner market on understanding the Word of God or something. But later on I realized they just didn't know and didn't want to say it.
I am the type of person that will keep going until I get an answer that makes sense (hence the geeky-ness). I guess there is a spiritual hunger side to me that must be satisfied as well.
I read in the scriptures about the Lord having a peculiar people. And in another place he calls them a peculiar treasure. Jesus talked about being in the world but not of the world...the world hated him because he didn't belong to the world. Sounds like His people are supposed to be different. I suppose He was also talking about the heart of a person. I want my hearts desire to be turned towards Him, to be peculiar in His eyes....not just being different in my own way...but His way.

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