Life is full of pain that can be measured on a scale from 1-10. A Christian is measured by the way they live compared to Jesus. Join me in my battle of wits against Fibromyalgia and keeping the right heart to stay in the fight.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Hearer and The Doer

Please open my heart like a flower before you.
There are some that don't know, but don't know that they don't know
There are some that don't know, and know that they don't know
There are some that know.......but don't do.

What is it about implementing the Word of God? It convicts us doesn't it?
The Lord talks to us through His word. What have you read in your bible lately that you really want to do more? When we increase Him in our lives we automatically decrease.
Lord, I am thankful for all your mercy and grace. It is my desire to be a willing honorable vessel in your site. Not only a hearer, but a doer of your precious Word.


Barbra The Bloggess said...

The Lord has been dealing with me more to help others more. Have more charity, patience, kindness and be a cheerful giver. He has done so much for me. I am understanding that scripture...when much is given much is required.

YHOSIE said...

hai barbra ...
ur blogs are amazing, u've been fill them all with lots of inspiring valuable words ...
love to read them...
and thank you for being a friend..

regards from east java