Life is full of pain that can be measured on a scale from 1-10. A Christian is measured by the way they live compared to Jesus. Join me in my battle of wits against Fibromyalgia and keeping the right heart to stay in the fight.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


"Patience is something you admire in the driver behind you and scorn in the one ahead."
~Mac McCleary

I often think about the patience of Job. Letting patience have her perfect work.
Long suffering.
Exactly how long is long suffering, anyway?
Not so long compared to eternity.....
Keeping a sense of proportion and scale makes sense when my mind is working on me.


VKT said...

This is so funny! Imagine the driver when he or she discovered their error. Ackkkkkkkk

Barbra The Bloggess said...

I almost did this one time. I was in a hurry...
Some things aren't so funny at the time they happen, but learning to laugh at our mistakes sure helps, doesn't it?
It's no wonder the Lord has so much mercy on us.
I'm so glad He will wink at my ignorance....