Life is full of pain that can be measured on a scale from 1-10. A Christian is measured by the way they live compared to Jesus. Join me in my battle of wits against Fibromyalgia and keeping the right heart to stay in the fight.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Forgiving Our Brothers and Sisters

"Brothers are fun to do stuff with!"

I am so glad there is a process to making things right in the scriptures. An apostle once asked Jesus how many times should he forgive his brother. That question wouldn't have been asked if there weren't  problems. It is so easy to get swallowed up with resentment for things that have been done to us in our past. Matthew 18 talks about an order no how to make things right with our brother or sister.
There are many ways to offend someone. Often time I have to look at what it was that someone touched within me that made me angry. Anger is something for me that clogs up spiritual pathways to the Lord. I would like to always be ready and quick to forgive. Then there will be nothing in me the Lord will see in my own heart that he can't forgive me for.
Create me a clean heart, oh God, and renew the right spirit within me...

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